Monday, 19 September 2011

June 2011 - Stoep revamp pt2

New roof  :-)

New roof from a different angle..
We eventually got the new zinc for the new stoep roof. We decided that a part of it should be covered, like over the soon to come Dining-room double doors, which will open onto the stoep. Ja.. I know more building, and more changes...more mess and more dust...

But once its done it will be lovely. :-) We also on this side of the stoep want to create a small sitting space, a kind of comfy-nook where we will have two chairs, and a small table.

Just right for enjoying the sunrise, and having a cuppa, or reading a book, or even all three! So that's the plan anyways. And we will have some hanging baskets with geraniums/pelargoniums in them for a splash of colour, as well as actually getting around to re-painting the whole house one day.

The other side we are going to build shut, in order to have a mud-room. A what? A mud-room... its kind of like an extension of the kitchen, but also kind of like a scullery.. its actually just a place for the freezer and washing machine, and a place where we can let the dogs sleep, and walk in with muddy shoes. That way my theory is that we will have mush less dust and dirt in the kitchen proper, as well as the rest of the house! We will also, by doing this, minimize the number of entrances to our house.. But more on that later.. haha!


  1. I can see a peep of that view your talking about in your pic, and it definitively is a beautiful view. Is that cable ties I seen holding your beams down.ha haa! or maybe not.

  2. Yes it is...Jan has found that they work like a charm. :)
